TGIF! You’ll love our High Grade Gem Ore Bags- For Sale

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Check out our HIGH GRADE GEM ORE BAGS! This is an amazing group of one of a kind gems for any gem lover or collector.

The Gem Ore Bags may contain Quartz, Spodumene, Tourmaline,Morganite, Aquamarine, Kunzite and more….the same one of a kind gems you find in our fee dig at Oceanview Mine and on the Pala Chief Dig.

These high grade Gem Ore bags are only $100 each plus $17.90 shipping(domestic shipping only)

They each weigh approximately 30 pounds and are loaded with breathtaking and stunning gems!

Bags may be purchased at the mine, but you must reserve in advance please.

We know you will fall in love with this bag of goodies!
get yours here!


3 Responses

  1. Question

    Is this the same dirt that is left overs, or is it directly out of mine?